Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

If your blog or website has some embedded videos from YouTube but you don’t want other videos show at the end (after the video stop) then you might interesting in the following plugin.

Hide YouTube Related Videos

This plugin is created by SparkWeb Interactive, Inc. and the current version is 1.4.1.  It can help WordPress bloggers block out related video at the end of the video clip.

“This is a simple plugin to keep the YouTube oEmbed from showing related videos.” (SparkWeb Interactive, Inc.)

How to get and install “Hide YouTube Related Videos” plugin?

It is not hard to install this plugin, we can get the plugin and then install it from Administration account/Plugins/Add New then type “Hide YouTube Related Videos” in the search plugins box.  Usually, it is the first one shown up.

Status of “Hide YouTube Related Videos” plugin

Currently, this plugin had more than eighteen thousand (18,826) downloads and was rated 4.9 out of 5 stars by 37 people (5 stars by 36 people and 1 star by 1 person).  Latest updated was 2 month ago.

For other plugins or work of sparkweb, you can visit him from this plugin on or

I’m sure there are other plugins to solve this problem but I’m currently stick to this one because it works well to me and why we have spending time searching for another ones.  So, if you know or currently using another great plugin, please share with us so we spend time for searching other cool plugins.

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